Welcome to my custom TwinScript(A programming language developed for this project) runner. It is named this because it will be able to run interpreted or be compiled to JavaScript.
Currently, it only has basic features and can only be run interpreted.

Implemented Features Planned Features
  • Variables
  • Arithmatic Operators (+, -, /, *)
  • Logical Operators (==, <, >, ||, &&)
  • console output
  • If statements
  • Objects
  • Methods
  • &Add remaining logical Operator (!, <=, >=, !=)
  • Arrays
  • Classes
  • Graphics
  • Input
  • &Else statements
  • Compiling to Javascript
  • For loops
  • &While Loops

Scroll down to view programming guide



To create a variable called <variable name> do.
var <variable name>
To set the value of a variable do.
<variable name> = <value>
You also can create and assign a variable at the same time
var <variable name> = <value>

Here are a few examples

//Printing a + b Outputs 10
var a = 3;
var b = 7;
println a + b;

//If statement Outputs 12
var a = 3; var b = 4;
if (a < b) {
  println a*b

//Objects also exist Outputs 8 var a;
a = {};
var a.c = 4;
var b = 4;
println a.c + b

//Methods also work //Outputs Hello World
method a(){
  println "Hello World"